[Scotland] [Scotland] [Germany] [Greatbritain] [Hungary]

Bon Voyage

A hitchhiker's guide around the globe.

[Sweden] [Finland] [France] [Spain] [USA]
(The Whole World)

Fit for Travel (Reisemedizinischer Infoservice) (German), Wikitravel, Google Maps

Lonely Planet Travel Guides, Lonely Planet Images, Let's Go Travel Guides

Holiday Check, Tripadvisor, Virtual Tourist, City Map Sites (Links to city maps world wide)

flightradar24, Flight Status, SeatGuru, The Budget Traveller's Guide To Sleeping In Airports, Airlines of the World
Marine Traffic

hostels.com (Hostels worldwide), Hostelling International, HI Hostel Guides for All Countries, Links to national Youth Hostel Associations

Online Travel Agents:
(all in German)

Billiger Reisen (n tzlicher Preisvergleich, aber viel Werbung)
travelchannel.de, TravelScout24, lastminute.de
Opodo, Expedia, Start.de, Avigo (beste Tipps zu verschiedenen Zielen)
Flugbörse, Travel Overland, ocean24 (Ferries)

Hotel Reservation Service


Astronomy Picture of the Day, HubbleSite - News Center, Views of the Solar System (Pictures and information about the solar system)
NASA, SpaceWeather, The Starpages, Earth and Moon Viewer (Different views of the earth and the moon)
Down-to-Earth Astronomy, Chandra X-ray Center, Windows to the Universe, AstroWeb
Cosmos In A Computer (Take a virtual tour of the Big Bang) , Mars Exploration (Pathfinder, Global Surveyor, Surveyor 98)
Space Telescope Science Institute, Martindale's Astronomy, Astrophysics & Space Center Astronomie.de (German)

(some in German)

OpenStreetMap, OpenRouteService, Reiseplanung.de (German), stadtplandienst.de, Routenplaner, ViaMichelin

Scotland, Iceland, Wales

(most in German)

Staumelder, Verkehrsclub Deutschland, Hostels Deutschland, DJH (German Youth Hostel Association)

Deutsche Bahn (Including some local busses and plenty of European train connections - try e.g. Istanbul to Kyle of Lochalsh (in the Scottish Highlands) (German)
Zugmonitor zur Bahnpuenktlichkeit, fernbahn.de (Wagenreihung), Pro Bahn Fahrgastverband

Bayerisches Landesprotal, Bayerninfo (Verkehrsinfos für Bayren), The Franconian Switzerland (Die Fränkische Schweiz) (German, English or French)

Rest Of The World:

Australia, USA ESTA Registration, Yahoo! Directory Countries, Google Directory - Regional
Picture Gallery:

St. Andrews Cathedral (43 KB) in autumn (St. Andrews, Scotland)
The World's End Pub Sign (32 KB) (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Lower Glen Coe (19 KB) (Highlands, Scotland)
Loch Roe (39 KB) (Wester Ross, Scotland)

Fitzpatrick's Second Hand Shop (35 KB) (Cork, Ireland)

Casa Batlló (48 KB) (Antonio Gaudi) (Barcelona, Katalonia, Spain)
La Sagrada Familia (44 KB) (Antonio Gaudi) (Barcelona, Katalonia, Spain)

House Of Parliament (35 KB) On The Danube (Budapest, Hungary)
Gellért Bath (36 KB) (Budapest, Hungary)

All photos taken by myself.

Take your towel and don't panic !

Created by Jochen Beier