Credit where credit's due
The driving force for many things
is envy. To be honest, initially there was no other reason to create these pages than the envy that
other people had an own homepage, while I had none. Or can you give me any propper reason
for having a private homepage? Well, to show off may be ...
These days the main reason for these pages is that I can accsess my favourite or potentially usefull bookmarks independent from the computer and the location where I am.
Thank you very much to all friends and other people involved!!
In 2024 the next generation decided that it is about time to clean up my old web page mess and give it a more contemporary design :-).
Thank you Florian!!
These days the main reason for these pages is that I can accsess my favourite or potentially usefull bookmarks independent from the computer and the location where I am.
Thank you very much to all friends and other people involved!!
In 2024 the next generation decided that it is about time to clean up my old web page mess and give it a more contemporary design :-).
Thank you Florian!!