Who The Fuck Is Alice?
The ten most interesting unanswered
questions of the world
- Who the fuck is Alice?
Wo ist Behle?
An entirely German mystery.
When it rains, why don't sheep shrink?
from Alison Krupin
Why is it called rush hour when nothing moves?
from The Big Question (no longer online)
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
from Alison Krupin
How do the stripes get into the tooth paste?
from Nini
Why do 7-11's (or any 24 hour store) have locks on the door?
from The Big Question (no longer online)
If virtual reality is virtual then why is it called reality?
from Anurag Jain
Why do kamikazee pilots wear helmets?
from Meggie
Why do we park in the driveway, yet drive on the parkway?
from Loxrat
The most important question of all:
Where am I going to get more
sensible ideas for this list?
are more than welcome!
Created by Jochen Beier
New Design (2024) by Florian Beier |